It’s 2025 and I’ve already begun writing adventures for two more books! Having published my third book “Buried Secrets” and completed the first draft of my Sci-Fi novel, my mind is whirling with so many other ideas! Of course, the next step is to complete the editing process for the novel. No matter what anyone tells you, editing is the most time-consuming aspect of being an author. Not only do you as the writer need to examine your book in every detail, but you also need to have a fresh set of eyes review the story. And then there’s professional editing. Now, being on a tight budget myself, I’ve been able to find editors who are reasonably priced. I’m fortunate to participate in a writing group, people who are accomplished writers in their own right. If you like to write, and have that story you can’t wait to tell, consider joining a group or starting one of your own. I think you’ll find it to be a rewarding experience as well as a lot of fun!



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